Library Rules


  • Self Issue / Self Return facilities are available for the library users.
  • Online renewal and reservation facilities are available for the library users via OPAC.
  • E-Mail & SMS intimation are given to the borrower about the last date of return book to avoid late returns.
  • E-Mail & SMS services are available to library user for getting the information about the reserved book.

Security and Safety

  • CCTV cameras are installed for complete surveillance of the library.
  • Library is Equiped with state of the art RFID book tagging system.
  • Electromagnetic Security Gate and RFID Gates are installed at the library exit door to prevent theft of library resources.
  • Security personnel is available at visible positions, such as entrance areas to deter potential security issues.
  • Appropriate number of staff members are always present in the library at all times to monitor activities and respond to user needs or security concerns.
  • Appropriate number of staff members are always present in the library at all times to monitor activities and respond to user needs or security concerns.
  • The library has clearly marked fire exits and evacuation routes and staff members are preprepared to respond to disasters, emergencies, or security threats.
  • The library takes issues pertaining to women safty and sexual harrasment very serously, and complies with the guidelines laid out by the Internal Complaints Committee.

Borrowing Privileges

Users are permitted to take books outside the library only after having them issued on their cards.

Catagory Number of Books Duration Renewals
Faculty 8 Books 60 Days Two Times
Officers 8 Books 60 Days Two Times
PhD Researchers 5 Books 15 Days Two Times
PG Students 4 Books 15 Days Two Times
Non-Teaching Staff 2 Books 15 Days Two Times

Timing of the Library

  • Library is open for all 365 days – except three national holidays.
  • The library timing is from 8:00 AM 8:00 PM.
  • The two reading rooms are open from 09:00 AM upto 2:00 AM.
  • Books Issue and Return facility at the Circulation counter is available on all days from 9:00 AM to 5:30 PM.

Fees and Fines

        • Overdue books attract a fine of Rs. 25 Per day per Book.
        • Overdue fine is calculated only for the weekdays (From Monday to Friday, excluding any Holidays). However, the circulation facilities are available to the user on all 7 days of the week (except National Holidays).
        • To safeguard the library reading materials from theft, A precautionary fine is imposed on users who try to take the books outside the library without checking them out in his/her account.
        • Rs 200 on the First Incident (Rs. Two Hundred Only). *
        • Rs 500 on the Second Incident (Rs. Five Hundred Only).*
        • Rs 1000 Upon the Third consecutive Incident and cancellation of library membership, resulting in the closure of all library services and a ban on the student's entry to the library premises.#
        In the event that an economically disadvantaged student requests a waiver of fines due to their poor financial condition, the following guidelines will be followed. Upon recommendation by the head of the Department/Incharge Library / Senior Most Library employee, the student will be granted permission to work in the library for a specified duration, as outlined below.
          • For the First incident  (When a Fine of Rs 200 is Imposed): The student will be required to work in the library for a total of 4 hours. 
          • For the Second incident (When a Fine of 500 is Imposed): The student will be expected to work in the library for a total of 10 hours.
        If the library receives any requests of grievances, a standing committee consisting of the following members; 
      • Incharge Library
      • HOD of the concerned department, 
      • Senior Most library employee
The above-mentioned committee members will be responsible for making further decisions.

Library Etiquette

  • Every member shall be responsible for the books borrowed against one’s membership.
  • The library identity card is non-transferable to another user.
  • Manuscripts, reference books, rare books, maps, atlases, periodicals (loose numbers and bound volumes) and such other reading materials shall not be issued.
  • At the time of issuing of books, members must satisfy regarding their physical condition. The borrower will be held responsible for any damage or mutilation noticed at the time of return .
  • The book shall not be reissued if the same book is already reserved for another user.  
  • The librarian can recall any book (s) at any time without assigning any reason. 
  • Book (s) can be reserved by members on OPAC (Online Public Access Catalogue) or directly in the library. The member will be informed through email and SMS as soon as the book (s) is available. 
  • If a book is lost or gets mutilated, the borrower will be responsible to replace the same with the latest edition of a new book. 
  •  If the borrower fails to replace the lost/mutilated book, a three-time cost of the book will be realized. 
  •  Loss of book or identity card must be immediately reported in writing to the librarian. 
  •  In case the library users lose the identity card, the new ID card will be issued against a payment of Rs.100/-. The Library user will be responsible for any transactions against the lost ID card till it is reported to the librarian.
  •  The library shall not be responsible for any loss or damage of the personal belongings of the users. 
  •  Readers should not make noise / heated exchanges as these may disturb other readers. Reading halls are meant for a peaceful environment. 
  •  Marking, scratching, damaging, mutilating, stealing, library materials or property will invite disciplinary action against the defaulters 
  •  Use of Mobile phones is not permitted inside the Library premises. 
  •  Users are not allowed to carry eatables/drinks inside the Library premises except a water bottle. 
  • Users should not rest or keep their feet on tables, chairs, shelves, etc. 
  •  The Librarian/Incharge Library reserves the right to suspend the membership of any member found misbehaving with the library staff or other library users. 
  •  The member is liable for strict disciplinary action in case of violation of any of the library rules.
This system is made operational by the in-house staff of the CUP Library.