Ssc english language chapterwise and typewise solved papers/
Ssc english language chapterwise and typewise solved papers/
By Kiran Institute
- New Delhi : Kiran Institute of Career Excellence Pvt Ltd 2023.
- 1176p. ; 27 cm. PB
Contents1. Common Errors - Total Question- 2126 (1012+1114*) 2. Improvement of sentence - Total Question- 2367 (1057+1310*) 3. Transformation of sentences (Active/ Passive) - Total Question- 1252 (811+441*) 4. Direct / Indirect Speech - Total Question-1231 (805+426*) 5. Fill in the Blanks - Total Question-1712 (645+1067*) 6. Synonyms - Total Question-1403 (596+807*) 7. Antonyms - Total Question-1381 (590+791*) 8. One word substitution - Total Question-1535 (651+884*) 9. Idioms/ Phrases - Total Question- 1546 (795+751*) 10. Selection of mis spelt word / correctly spelt word - Total Question-1286 (546+740*) 11. Arrangement of sentences - Total Question- 1309 (789+520*) 12. Cloze test - Total Question-3196 (1721+1475*) 13. Comprehension test - Total Question- 2201 (848+1353*) Grand Total No Of Question – 22545 (10866+11679*) * Online Practice Question Available
Competitive Examinations
371.26 / KIR
Contents1. Common Errors - Total Question- 2126 (1012+1114*) 2. Improvement of sentence - Total Question- 2367 (1057+1310*) 3. Transformation of sentences (Active/ Passive) - Total Question- 1252 (811+441*) 4. Direct / Indirect Speech - Total Question-1231 (805+426*) 5. Fill in the Blanks - Total Question-1712 (645+1067*) 6. Synonyms - Total Question-1403 (596+807*) 7. Antonyms - Total Question-1381 (590+791*) 8. One word substitution - Total Question-1535 (651+884*) 9. Idioms/ Phrases - Total Question- 1546 (795+751*) 10. Selection of mis spelt word / correctly spelt word - Total Question-1286 (546+740*) 11. Arrangement of sentences - Total Question- 1309 (789+520*) 12. Cloze test - Total Question-3196 (1721+1475*) 13. Comprehension test - Total Question- 2201 (848+1353*) Grand Total No Of Question – 22545 (10866+11679*) * Online Practice Question Available
Competitive Examinations
371.26 / KIR