Evaluate the neuroprotective activity of ursolic acid on ceramide biosynthetic pathway in cuprizone-induced animal model of multiple sclerosis/
Babu, Raja
Evaluate the neuroprotective activity of ursolic acid on ceramide biosynthetic pathway in cuprizone-induced animal model of multiple sclerosis/ Raja Babu (Researcher) & Debapriya Garabadu (Supervision) - Bathinda: Department of Pharmacology, School of Health Sciences, Central University of Punjab, 2023. - x, 76 pages; 28 cm HB - June 2023
Master of Pharmacy in Pharmacology
Multiple sclerosis
Ceramide biosynthetic pathway
Ursolic acid
Ceramide synthase
Sphingomyelin synthase
Serine palmitoyl transferase
Evaluate the neuroprotective activity of ursolic acid on ceramide biosynthetic pathway in cuprizone-induced animal model of multiple sclerosis/ Raja Babu (Researcher) & Debapriya Garabadu (Supervision) - Bathinda: Department of Pharmacology, School of Health Sciences, Central University of Punjab, 2023. - x, 76 pages; 28 cm HB - June 2023
Master of Pharmacy in Pharmacology
Multiple sclerosis
Ceramide biosynthetic pathway
Ursolic acid
Ceramide synthase
Sphingomyelin synthase
Serine palmitoyl transferase