Pharmacological exploration of piper longum in diabetic nephropathy in experimental animals/
Lal, Kanhaiya
Pharmacological exploration of piper longum in diabetic nephropathy in experimental animals/ Kanhaiya Lal (Researcher) & Randhir Singh (Supervision) - Bathinda: Department of Pharmacology, School of Health Science, Central University of Punjab, 2023. - 135 pages; 28 cm HB
Master of Pharmacy in Pharmacology
Pharmacological exploration of piper longum in diabetic nephropathy in experimental animals
Pharmacological exploration of piper longum in diabetic nephropathy in experimental animals/ Kanhaiya Lal (Researcher) & Randhir Singh (Supervision) - Bathinda: Department of Pharmacology, School of Health Science, Central University of Punjab, 2023. - 135 pages; 28 cm HB
Master of Pharmacy in Pharmacology
Pharmacological exploration of piper longum in diabetic nephropathy in experimental animals