Hands-On Artificial Intelligence for Android: Understand Machine Learning and Unleash the Power of Tensor Flow in Android Applications With Google ML Kit/
Veloso, Vasco Correia
Hands-On Artificial Intelligence for Android: Understand Machine Learning and Unleash the Power of Tensor Flow in Android Applications With Google ML Kit/ Vasco Correia Veloso. - New Delhi: BPB Publications, 2022. - xix, 374 Pages; 23 cm. Pb
Introduction to TensorFlow
Google ML Kit
Registering Faces in Application
006.305 / VEL
Hands-On Artificial Intelligence for Android: Understand Machine Learning and Unleash the Power of Tensor Flow in Android Applications With Google ML Kit/ Vasco Correia Veloso. - New Delhi: BPB Publications, 2022. - xix, 374 Pages; 23 cm. Pb
Introduction to TensorFlow
Google ML Kit
Registering Faces in Application
006.305 / VEL