Scripting for the new av technologies /

Swain, Dwight V.

Scripting for the new av technologies / Swain, Dwight V. & Swain, Joye R. - 2nd Edition. - London : Butterworth-Heinemann, 1991. - xi, 303 p. ; 21 cm.

All writers need to know how to adapt to new technology and thrive in the new opportunities that it provides. This book provides readers with the nuts-and-bolts of scripting for an array of audio-visual (AV) projects, whether it be a simple slide show, a multi-image presentation, a computer-based interactive program, or a major multi-area extravaganza. The book is very readable and would be extremely good for reference. Valerie Bragg, Principa, The City Technology College, Kinghurst, British Journal of Educational Technology, Sept. 1992. - British Journal of Education Technology, September 1992


Audio-visual materials
Scripting for the new av technologies
Scripting for video and audiovisual

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