A short history of aurangzib /

Sarkar, Jadunath

A short history of aurangzib / Sarkar, Jadunath - Hyderabad : Orient blackswan pvt. ltd, 2009. - 416 p. ; 20 cm.

This book is an abridged version of the unrivalled five-volume History of Aurangzib by Sir Jadunath Sarkar. It contains one half of the material of the original work. Yet, the author, who himself shortened it, has not compromised on the essential aspects of this history practically the history of India for sixty year. Aurangzib s career prior to his accession has been skillfully compressed while significant events during his reign have been dealt with in detail. This concise edition, written in an inimitable style, will continue to be a valuable resource for students and scholars of medieval Indian history.


India--Mogul Empire
Aurangzeb, Emperor of Hindustan, 1618-1707

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